How Digital Marketing Can Help Improve Website Traffic

If you are struggling with ways to draw more traffic towards your website, take comfort in the fact that you are not the only one. According to research done by the Content Marketing Institute, 61% of content creators are struggling to understand what matters to their audience, which keeps them from delivering content that generates traffic. And having a website with no traffic is like having a store with no customers.

To make your presence in the digital world noticeable, you need to start working on a digital marketing strategy. This way, you can start setting and keeping track of goals, see where you need improvement and get to know what your audience wants from you.

To help you out, below are some digital marketing techniques you can consider when creating your marketing strategy.

Social media marketing

Almost every person you know has at least one account on a social media platform. Be it Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn, social media has become the place where we meet people, discuss subjects we are interested in and start business partnerships.

Social media is great for increasing website traffic, as it is the place where word-of-mouth is more present than ever. Sharing things on social media has become the new way of telling your friends you discovered something awesome, so if you want the world to find out about your website, you need a strong social media presence.

Start with one or two social media platforms you believe your target audience spends the most time on and try to build an active community. Keep your audience engages by constantly posting and redirect them to your website through posts that catch their attention. 

Content creation

The most straightforward way to improve organic traffic is through content. Through well-written content, your website will rank higher in search results for keywords relevant to your website.

Come up with content that is important to your niche and make sure it is well-researched and written. To identify what your audience wants to read, you will need to know your buyer persona or ideal reader. Who is this content relevant for? This fantastic book by ClickFunnels does a great job explaining how to create the buyer persona and how to attract ideal customers without overselling.

To write content that attracts and engages your audience, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Know your audience: find out what they like, who they are and what their pain points are.
  • Research keywords: learn what your audience is searching for online and use those keywords throughout your website, to draw organic traffic
  • Publish your content: upload content regularly, to keep yourself relevant and engage your audience
  • Promote: use social media and email newsletters for advertising your content and generating traffic.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization should be included in your marketing strategy the moment you start developing it.  SEO is what helps your website rank high in user searches and establishes it as trustworthy. But have you ever looked past the second page on Google? According to one SEO Sydney Agency, less than 23% of users will go past the first page of Google when looking at search results.

When a user searches for something online, Google uses its algorithm to generate the most relevant results it can find. But have you ever looked past the second page on Google? I didn’t think so either. This is why you need to aim for your website to be as high up in results as it can be. You can do this through on-site optimization and quality backlinks.

On-site SEO refers to optimizing everything on your website to help Google index it better. This includes page titles, headers, meta titles and descriptions, URLs and image alt-text. Lots of research is required to make sure your website is as optimized as it can be.

Backlinks help you establish yourself as an authority in the industry and earn the trust of your audience. If a reputable website links to your website, it means you are a credible source. Approach high authority websites and ask for collaboration, to increase your chances of earning quality backlinks.

Email newsletter

Email marketing has been around for a very long time, but it has stood the test of time, and it still is one of the most effective ways to boost website traffic. Ask visitors to subscribe to your newsletter campaign and let them know every time new content is available.

Be careful, as email marketing can be very tricky and you can easily go from informative to spammy if you send out too many emails to your subscribers. Limit yourself to monthly or bi-monthly newsletters and create original content for your campaign. Customers need to feel they are getting something in return for their effort, so try to come up with exclusive email content to attract more subscribers and grow your email base.

When creating an email, make sure you come up with an enticing subject line, to get users to open your email and actually read your content. Include links that redirect users to content that might interest them and consider running targeted email campaigns to maximize your chances of success.

Collaborations and partnerships

Just like in business, strong partnerships can help draw more traffic to your website and help you become a trusted source. Take influencers, for example, who are known for helping brands, small or big, increase their popularity and grow their revenue. The same thing can happen for your website if you find the right partners to collaborate with.

Look for partners that are either part of the same niche as you or search for a niche that is complementary to yours. For example, if your content is directed towards people who like to go camping, partnering up with a travel website or blogger can maximize your chances of getting known by a larger audience. In return, your partner gets exposure to your audience.

If you are considering influencer marketing, aim for micro-influencers, which have a smaller community base, but are considered more trustworthy. This way, you have a much higher chance of drawing traffic to your website, which you can then retain through relevant content and constant engagement.

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