What is a Lead Campaign on Google Ads? How to Set it up?

Google has captured 92.42% of the market share in web search by capitalizing on its ability to provide users with relevant information quickly and easily through Google Ads campaigns, according to a 2017 report from eMarketer .

But as SEO becomes more competitive than ever before, organic clicks are no longer profitable enough for advertisers who can choose from over 1 million keywords that cost them upwards of $2 per click or 2¢ per view.

Creating a lead-generation campaign on the Google ads platform is incredibly simple. You need only follow three easy steps and you’ll be ready to start getting more customers for your business or organization! 

Advertisements are now taking up a significant amount of space on mobile devices. While Google search ads used to occupy only 25% of desktop clicks and 55% of mobile clicks from 2015-2017, this trend has continued until they can take up the full screen above your result before you even click through or reach page one.

These results are bad news for advertisers who want to capture a high percentage of search traffic. In the past three years, ads have started appearing above or below organic links on mobile devices and desktop computers as well (full screen). Now that Google has made it so difficult to get through even the first page in most cases, ad campaigns seem like an unnecessary investment.

What is Lead Campaign on Google Ads ?

An online advertising campaign is a lead generation tool that draws in high-quality, relevant leads for businesses.

To make more sales, businesses that have long sales processes need to use lead campaigns. Lead campaigns supply their employees with opportunities for making a sale when there are many customers in the market who might be interested (in buying insurance or real estate).

By driving traffic to landing pages, insurance companies are able to acquire their customer’s contact information in exchange for a free quote.

People visit insurance landing pages to get a free quote in exchange for their contact information.

Google Search Ads are ads displayed in relevant search results and can be the most profitable type of ad. As Google has expanded its advertising program, these now include YouTube video ads as well as display network text-based advertisements that appear on websites across the internet.


Google Search Ads are ads that display relevant search results. They typically generate a positive ROI and drive an average of $2 for every dollar spent on them.

Google is one of many companies that uses paid advertisements to generate revenue for their business. These types of digital marketing tools have become very popular among small businesses due to how easy they make it for a startup company with little resources compared to other forms such as television or radio commercials which require much more time and money spent before seeing any return on investment (ROI). While some online advertisers struggle finding success from using traditional methods like PPC or CPM platforms, starting out with Google’s

So let’s start with the lead campaign

1.Find The Right Keywords

The first step in starting a business is to find the right keyword. The best way to do this is through research and testing, so it’s important that you don’t rush into anything blindly or spend too much time on one particular keyword before moving onto another.

The very first thing someone should consider when they are looking for keywords for their business is whether there has been enough search volume recently within Google Keyword Planner Tool – meaning these words have just started gaining popularity as of late which might make them more relevant and useful than previously used ones such as “buy now” rather than something like “how can I help”

Google encourages advertisers to target generic keywords, but users are more attracted by a targeted approach. Google Ads actually show the search term in parentheses next to organic listings and paid results for that particular phrase or word on the page.

This is an example of how it’s easy for people who don’t know what they’re doing with their campaign targeting strategies can cause major problems when trying to get leads/customers from Adwords campaigns because there isn’t enough research done before starting them up about which words would be best suited towards getting conversions easily – instead just using terms like ?electrician.? People should look into whether these types of keywords, if used, will draw interested parties through ads so that companies won’t waste time and money resources advertising a product. This is why it is really important that you focus your efforts on understanding your customer expectations. A customer centric business has a clear advantage regarding its strategic keyword campaign as it has a deeper knowledge about its customers’ needs and mindsets, and knows the exact words that will trigger them.

2.Optimize Your Landing Page 

you have to optimize the page to convert as many visitors into leads. Google has set out best practices in order for their ads to not be paused/removed from search results if they are followed properly.

ohh no! the pop-ups

Google Doesn’t Want You Using Pop-Ups or Interstitials

While most marketers are using popups and interstitials to make money, Google doesn’t like them. This means not only no annoying popup ads that you probably weren’t planning on including anyway, but also no lead-capture interstitial ads.

Full-screen landing pages don’t always have to be long and informational. Google is fine with them as long as the content is relevant, but there are still some rules that users need to follow for their page not to get penalized by search engines or catch user attention in a negative way.

3.Run and  Test

Testing ads can improve the quality score, CTR, and CPC/CPA.

The secret of successful marketers is that they run tests to improve quality score and lower cost per click. Google defines ‘quality score’ as a metric which measures the relevance between ads, landing pages, search queries on GOOGLE Ads. Some advertisers think it’s just for vanity but really this holistic benchmarking algorithm helps with finding new ways to place your ad in front of relevant users according to their keywords searches thus helping you make some revenue from them!

The way I understand marketing campaigns such as AdWords (specially when we talk about Quality Score) is almost like running an experiment where one gets data back after every step taken during the execution process so understanding results becomes easy & effective at deciding what next steps need be done based off past

A/B testing landing pages can improve your conversion rates by as much as 550%. You could also perform simple changes like adding extensions to your ads. This may help you increase CTR and ultimately boost ROI!

With drastic improvements like this, you will see a huge improvement in your quality score and lower CPCs & CPA.

Try to Split-Test Ads

To test different ad combinations, simply enter in the description and headline variations you want. Then select an aggregate function to automatically generate ads for testing.

If you aren’t already an AdEspresso user, there are still some testing options within Google Ads. You should make sure that the ad group to test ads in has disabled its “optimize” setting by default.

A new Ad Variations feature in Google Ads will help advertisers create more varied ad groups for campaigns.

This update to the original automated tool, called “Ad Group Experiments” was created specifically with small businesses and marketers without large advertising budgets in mind. The tools allow users to automatically experiment within their existing ads instead of having one option always be shown while another is being tested on its own separate campaign or even entire account level.

This can interfere with impressions shared and prolong time needed to get conclusive results from tests so it’s important that only two options are ever running at once during experiments which this updated version allows you to accomplish easily through manual set up or via an improved AdEspresso integration .

Then, you only have to monitor the individual CTR, CVR, and CPC. also switch the ads on and off based on your  performance.


It only takes a few clicks to create an effective lead-generation campaign on the Google ads platform, but it requires more effort than that in order for such campaigns to be profitable month after month.

Instead of creating an individual landing page for each search query, you can create a few general pages that are optimized to drive people towards your CTA.

A campaign manager’s true test is their ability to improve upon results over time. You can also utilize external digital marketing CRMs to manage all leads at one place. Campaign managers must continue testing, or they will lose out in the end due to rising costs and a shrinking margin for profit.




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