10+ Best WordPress themes for Sport Clubs

Sport is really important in our life. It helps us not only to stay fit but also to relax our mind and, sometimes, get rid of bad thoughts. Moreover, it is a community where you can find new relationships and friends. In fact, there are a lot of sports clubs that fit customers tastes and purposes. However, if you handle a sports club, you also have to spread a word about it to enrich the target audience. In this article, we will show you the best way on how to improve your sports club and expand your community in times. Here we go!

There are a lot of tools that help business owners to represent their sports clubs, agents, companies, whatever. You are very welcome to use social accounts like Instagram, Facebook, etc., to promote your biz. However, it is just an option to spread a word about your business but not to showcase it. In fact, to represent your biz to the fullest expand you have to create a website that will highlight every part of your entrepreneurship.

Moreover, there are a lot of pre-made solutions these days that allow you to stand out with your own website easy as never before. For example, modern market is full of WordPress themes for sports clubs that come with great design options and a wide range of an advanced functionality. Therefore, you are very welcome to create a high-functional site for a nice price. By the way, WordPress themes don’t require any programming skills, so, you can easily launch your own site with no need to touch a line of a code.

Well, now it is the right time to check these 10 best WordPress themes for sport clubs. So, let’s do it!

Martial Arts Club WordPress Theme

Fight House - Brutal Martial Arts Club WordPress Theme


If you need a modern and fully responsive solution to represent your brutal martial arts club, then this theme is exactly what you need. It has a fully flexible system, which allows you to adopt it up to your needs with no effort. Also, everything is pretty intuitive thanks to an advanced power page builder. It allows you to manage the theme and customize it up to your preferences by means of a few clicks.

Yoga Club WordPress Theme

Namaskar - Yoga WordPress Theme


The theme was created to showcase your yoga club. It has a sleek design that will help you to represent your business in an elegant manner. Moreover, the theme comes with a wide range of modern features that allow you to create a high-functional theme easy as never before. Do not hesitate to check theme’s demo mode to see all its beauty.

MMA Club WordPress Theme

Mma WP Theme


Looking for a theme with a brutal design that will help you to highlight an MMA club? Well, check this men’s WordPress theme that allows you to stand out with your business. You will capture all the audience thanks to an eye-catchy design and a great functionality.

Horse Riding Club WordPress Theme

Horse Racing WordPress Theme


The theme was crafted with care to meet your expectations at a glance. It has multiple layout options, which allows you to improve the design and, thus, capture your clients. Moreover, a wide range of content modules will help you to increase an overall functionality of the website. We would recommend you to check the demo mode of this great theme that will help you to represent your horse riding club in a professional manner.

Golf Club WordPress Theme

Golf Club WordPress Theme


Looking for a premium WordPress theme that will help you to showcase the golf club in an elegant manner? Take a closer look at this mobile-friendly theme with a stunning design. The theme comes with a rich choice of Cherry plugins that will help you to improve the website functionality in the twinkle of an eye. To say more, the whole customization process will take you no longer than a few days. And you are ready to go with a fabulous website!

Running Club Mobile – Friendly WordPress Theme

Running WordPress Theme


Check this modern WordPress theme that allows you to showcase your running club in the best possible light. The theme is pre-loaded with a powerful page builder that will help you to customize the theme with no need to touch a single line of a code. In addition to this fact, the theme comes with tons of different modules and features, which allows you to create an attractive and high-functional site.

Beach Volleyball WordPress Theme

Beach Volleyball WordPress Theme


Looking for volleyball WordPress themes? Take a look at this eye-catchy theme that comes with a unique design that will help you to showcase your beach volleyball club in the best possible light. Moreover, it has a fully responsive design, which allows customers to check your site using any mobile device. By the way, feel free to invite volleyball fans from all over the world because this theme is pre-loaded with a multilingual support.

Tennis Club Modern WordPress Theme

Tennis Club WordPress Theme


ProShot is a marvelous theme that comes with a great functional range to help you to create a great professional site. It has a clean design, which will help you to emphasize the content and showcase the best events or projects in the best light. By the way, the theme is also Ecwid ready, so, feel free to sell your products online and increase your income.

Fishing Club WordPress Theme

Fishing Club WordPress Theme


Create and represent your fishing club using this eye-catchy WordPress theme with a wide range of design options. Every part of this theme is flexible, thus, it will take you no effort to customize it up to your purposes. Moreover, it is pre-loaded with an easy-to-use documentation that will help you manage the theme as a real pro.

Scuba Diving Club WordPress Theme

Snorkeling WordPress Theme


Need a one-of-a-kind theme to stand out with a scuba diving club? We have a solution for you! This WordPress theme has a great design and functionality that were developed just for your type of business. Moreover, the theme doesn’t require any programming skills, so, anyone can handle it.

Hiking WordPress Theme

Maxigen - Hiking WordPress Theme


Maxigen is a modern theme that comes with a stunning design and a mobile-friendly nature. Thus, you can easily showcase the best projects, photos, etc., to the whole web community. Moreover, here you have lots of content modules that will help you to insert this or that type of content and structure it the way you like. No doubts, this theme is the best possible way to represent and promote your hiking club.

Well, there are a lot of professional WordPress themes that were crafted with care to showcase this or that type of sports club. Moreover, all of these themes have great functionality and design, which allows club owners to stand out with a marvelous website within a few days. In fact, all the customization process is intuitive, so, anyone can manage the theme and create a unique style and design.

By the way, what do you think about these 10 best WordPress themes for sports clubs? Would you like to promote your own club using one of these themes? We are always happy to hear from you, so, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. Wish you to have a prosperous business and stay tuned for more!

Beginner Tutorial: How to Manage Version Control in WordPress using Git

If you’ve just started out as a WordPress developer, then your workflow would probably involve setting up a FTP connection, locating and then downloading the desired file, making the essential changes and finally uploading it back to the server via FTP. After that, you refresh your browser page to figure out what went wrong and then repeat the entire process over again.

Even though this approach, often known as Cowboy Coding, gives you autonomy over the development process, it doesn’t guarantee you a reliable, efficient and secure development workflow. For a better WordPress development workflow, you’re required to add another weapon, called Version Control, to your development arsenal.

What Is Version Control & Why Does it Matter?

Imaging if you ever come across any of these two situations during WordPress development:

  • You make some changes to a theme file and then unexpectedly find your site not working properly. To fix the issue, you go back to the specific file but couldn’t remember what you did. In such a situation, you’re required to painstakingly figure out all the changes you made to that file.
  • For some reasons, you want to go back to an older version of your WordPress theme but are not able to do so because you don’t have any backup.

Think of Version Control as a safety net for situations like these. In other words, it is a system that tracks all the changes made to your files so that you could easily remember what changes you or others made to a particular file at which point in time.

Regardless of the kind of work you do, Version Control is something that you must implement in your workflow, especially when you’re working in teams. Not only it makes collaborating with others infinitely easier but also allows you to keep an overview over every single change made to your files – what happened, when and by whom.

Where Word processors, such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word, have a built in “track changes” version control system, on the other hand, the WordPress post editor comes with a “revision tracking” feature that stores record of each published post or saved draft. Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t have a built-in version control system to keep revisions of other important things like files and the database, and that’s where Git comes into play!

What Is Git and Why Should You Use It?

Git is a distributed version control management system designed to handle everything – including collaborative working, tracking changes, backup, deployment and more – for projects of all sizes with amazing speed and efficiency. Just like the WordPress post editor, which allows you to undo changes and revert to an earlier version of a post, Git gives you the ability to records revisions for a WordPress project and go back to any desired version of a file whenever necessary.

Currently available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris, Git resides on your personal computer. However, if you’re working with multiple people who don’t have access to your local Git repository, you can easily hook it up with a Git hosting service. Some of the popular Git hosts are GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket – each of which has a browser-based UI, making it easy for anyone to browse and edit code. While Github is the most popular and preferred choice of WordPress developers for most of the open source projects, both GitLab and BitBucket may also prove to be good options when you’re working on a commercial project.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider using Git:

  • Gives you the ability to work collaboratively on a WordPress project.
  • A solid backup of your all files.
  • Any types of files can be versioned.
  • Get rid of awkward file-naming conventions like new-version-copy-v5.
  • Has branching and merging capabilities.
  • Tiny footprint with lightning fast performance.

In a nutshell, if your development workflow moves between multiple environments, you must use Git to improve it.

Another important thing I would like to mention here is that Git is designed to be used from the command line. However, there are a number of GUI Clients available that offer a graphical user interface, making it easier for you to quickly learn Git and efficiently manage your code.

Getting Started With Git

As I mentioned above, Git is often used to develop things locally, I’m going to assume that you already have a project on your local machine. So in order to set up Git to work with WordPress, all you need to do is to follow these simple steps:

Download and Install Git:

The first thing to do before you start using Git is to make it available on your local computer. Just go to https://git-scm.com/downloads, choose your operating system and the download will start automatically. Once the download is complete, install it on your machine. To check whether or not Git is successfully installed on your machine, open the Git Bash program and type the following:

$ git –version

If everything is okay, you’ll get something similar to:

git version 2.17.0

Set up Your Identity and Initialize a Repository:

Now that you have Git installed on your personal computer, let’s customize your Git environment. Type the following commands to establish your identity:

$ git config –global user.name “Ajeet”

$ git config –global user.email [email protected]

To verify your identity, run the following command:

$ git config –list

And your editor should return something similar to below:



[email protected]



Git is working well! Now, for the sake of simplicity, let’s change the directory to the Desktop folder:

cd C:/Users/Ajeet/Desktop

Next create a new directory, which will be used to house the custom code, using the mkdir command:

$ mkdir GitDemo

This will create a new folder called GitDemo on your desktop. Now let’s move inside the GitDemo folder.

$ cd GitDemo

Run git init Command:

Now that you are inside the GitDemo folder, run git init command to initialize your local Git repository.

$ git init

This will create a new sub-folder named .git, which contains all the necessary repository files, inside the GitDemo folder.

Move Project Files into the New Repository:

Once you have initiated your local Git repository, move your all project files to the GitDemo folder and type the command below:

$ git status

Your editor will return something like this:

On branch master

Initial commit

Untracked files:

  (use “git add <file>…” to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use “git add” to track)

Stage and Commit Your Code:

The next thing to do is to stage our project. Doing so will set all the project files up to commit (or captured). So type the following command:

$ git add –all

Now if you type:

$ git status

Your editor will return:

On branch master

Initial commit

Changes to be committed:

  (use “git rm –cached <file>…” to unstage)

        new file:   file.html

So finally, we can commit our files. Type this command:

$ git commit -m “Initial Commit”

Congrats on your first commit! With a message (-m) of what’s being changed, the above command will capture your code at its current state. To verify the commit, type:

$ git log

Your editor will return the code similar to:

commit 4ef691bd10bde51e39414393a7f7770ef8fd461d

Author: ajeet <[email protected]>

    Initial Commit

Set Up a GitHub Account:

Now to push your changes live, go to github.com and set up a user account. Once you’ve created the account, create a Github repository with the help of the green button, called “New repository”, given available in the right of your newsfeed.

Let’s call the repo you created GitDemo.

Push To GitHub:

With your repo created, you will see a screen like this:

As you can see, Git provides you with three options: creating a new repository using command line, pushing an existing repository and importing code from another repository. To push our existing local repository, we’ll choose to use the second option. So type the following command in your command line editor:

$ git remote add origin https://github.com/USERNAME/GitSample.git

$ git push -u origin master

Note: Don’t forget to replace USERNAME with your ‘real username’ on GitHub.

Refresh your repo page on GitHub and you will see your local Git repository has been pushed to your Github account, as shown below.

So in future, if you made any changes to any file of your project, all you need to do is to first commit those changes locally and then push them to Github using the following three lines of commands:

$ git add –all

$ git commit -m “Updated File”

$ git push -u origin master

Needless to say, all your changes then will be shown within your Github account, as below:


“Ashish is an experienced web developer working with XHTMLJunction – PSD to WordPress Provider. He always tries to keep himself up with latest web development trends and technologies to boost his productivity and capabilities. In his spare time, he loves to write articles related to WordPress, Web Design, App Development, and eCommerce”

Top 10 Real Estate WordPress Templates

What makes a successful real estate project? Sure, not only thoroughly planned company organization and perfect balance of income–investments. Well, a good promotion makes a half of job. Let’s have a look what it consists of.

It’s not a secret that a promotion does not mean only noticeable brand name, smart visit cards and so on. Let’s see how important a website is.

3 main reasons to start a website for a real estate project

  1. A website will be a “virtual office” of your company working 24/7. The clients can always check the necessary information and even do some operations like booking a room or making a prepayment for the reservation. A good site is like a visit card.
  2. A qualitative website means that your company is reliable. People tend to trust the companies having a representative and informative website.
  3. A website can contain as much information as you need. You can describe your services, team, submissions and much more. Or create a blog with the most actual news and progressive ideas. Also you can make a thorough showcase of the real estate, indicating their prices, characteristics, location etc.

The above mentioned means that a website for real estate business should look a proper way following the area trends and containing the necessary features. Of course, each application sphere has its own demands for web promotion. The selected business segment is not an exception. A ready-made template always provides the necessary functions, so you can almost just upload your data, texts, images and get a good final product. Let’s think over the most important features a real estate template should contain.

Real estate template – what to consider?

  • firstly, it’s really great if Cherry Real Estate plugin is included. It allows, for instance, set up the necessary categories to filter the real estate search results. Also, you can connect the sold objects or hotels etc. to map, manage with the visitors’ property submissions and assign the filled in forms to an agent.
  • moreover, there are additional plugins like Cherry plugins which will be necessary as well to represent your team, services etc.
  • IDX Support provides the possibility to upload this plugin additionally. So you’ll be able to embed live real estate data to your pages from MLS directly.
  • as usual (for other application areas), the responsive design, SEO-optimized code, drag-and-drop functionality etc. are the advantages for site development and customization process.

Where to search for such a template? You know, that TemplateMonster offers a brilliant collection of templates for many purposes. The real estate area is not an exception.

Speaking about real estate business, it’s worth mentioning Real Estate WordPress Themes providing the discussed implementations to build a qualitative site for a successful project. What noticeable features do they have?

  • the already mentioned plugins allowing you to develop a fully-functional product.
  • responsive design.
  • Live Customizer and Elementor Page Builder demanding the minimum of your efforts during customization process.
  • valid and clean semantic code.
  • WordPress Themes are suitable both for professionals and beginners. Anyway, the result will be perfect!

Find 10 real estate WordPress templates that may suit your needs. Maybe, the theme you’re searching for is here?

HomePro Real Estate Portal WordPress Theme

HomePro Real Estate Portal WordPress Theme


Want to make your website for real estate business luxurious and decided to choose a dark layout for the goal? HomePro WordPress theme can be a great solution. It is a stylish, fully responsive template perfectly equipped with features needed for the application area. E.g., Live Customizer, useful Cherry Plugins, Custom widgets, Newsletter subscription, social media integration are included and also you can install dsIDXPress plugin to have the necessary implementations for any real estate project.

CozyHouse – Real Estate Premium WordPress Theme

Real Estate Agent WP Theme


This theme looks non-standard and functions perfectly so you can easily create a fully-featured website for a real estate business issue. With the help of Cherry Real Estate plugin, you’ll implement everything necessary for the success. You’ll set up filters and add properties identifying the locations on the map with preview markers. You can also easily manage your submissions and assign a one to a selected agent.

Bellaina – Real Estate Responsive WordPress theme

Bellaina - Real Estate Responsive WordPress theme


Bellaina WordPress theme provides an amazing functionality to develop a fully-featured website for real estate business. Its image-oriented design makes a focus on the objects operated. The included Cherry Real Estate plugin allows to create real estate portals and listings. Moreover, the integrated map, convenient search system, and other numerous real estate items will let you customer feel free to use your site and trust your company.

Villagio – Property Booking WordPress Theme

Villagio - Property Booking WordPress Theme


Allow your customers to make a reservation for a great apartment for their vacations offering them all the necessary booking implementations. The theme provides Accommodation Reservation Engine, Real-time Search Availability Form, Rent out Multiple Properties in Different Locations, Online and Offline Payments, Seasonal Pricing and Rates and much more. Visiting your website a guest will conveniently overview the hotels with details (price, amenities etc.) and easily book a one. The smartly organized reviews will also help your customers to make a choice.

Trowel – Construction WordPress Theme

Trowel - Construction WordPress Theme


Here comes a powerful, responsive WordPress theme for a building company and any construction business unit. It allows you to make a complete showcase of your services, work details, projects, arrange customers reviews, give special offers, etc. Moreover, blog functionality is available so you can also share the actual news and represent your innovative ideas.

At Home – Real Estate Elementor WordPress Theme

At Home - Real Estate Elementor WordPress Theme


At Home is a gorgeous template for a real estate project. The visitors of your website will like the screen sized slider on the home page at a first glance. On top of that, you’ll have a full set of the necessary features to build a website for company success. Elementor Page Builder with JetElements pack for easy data arrangements, WP Live Customizer for handy customization, Cherry Plugins Layouts, different footers, 4 blog layouts, and much more you can find in the pack.

Emilia Warren – Real Estate WordPress Theme

Emilia Warren - Real Estate WordPress Theme


This template has a lot of content modules for you to add multiple content type on the pages and arrange a recognizable real estate add. Cherry Real Estate plugin allows implementing all the necessary functions to the website: convenient searching, indications on the map, managing the submissions, agents cooperation and not only. In addition, Cherry Projects plugin makes a better representation of what you do, Live Customizer, Power Page builder with drag-and-drop functionality makes the theme easy-to-use. Emilia Warren provides corporate, blog, blogging functionality and portfolio.

Oceanica – Hotel Booking WordPress Theme

Oceanica - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme


Oceanica is an indeed smart template for hotel booking purposes websites which is noticeable due to its fresh outlook, well-balanced design and handy features set. Arrange the showcase of rooms, services, activities, set up a shop, create a blog, and not only. What’s important, the Hotel booking plugin makes no problem to offer a convenient room booking right away.

Villa Elisa – Real Estate Responsive WordPress Theme

Property WordPress Theme


The real estate objects should be promoted in the best way. E.g., Villa Elisa theme allows to setup a beautiful screen-sized slider as well as upload many qualitative images, thoroughly describe the important property details, indicate the location, and contact a real estate agent. The theme also includes the awesome Cherry plugins that make possible to share the information about the team, projects, services and much more.

Estadoz – Real Estate Agency WordPress Theme

Property WP Theme


Estadoz theme offers a smart contrast design, lots of custom widgets to make site beautiful and flexible (slider, post carousel, social media widgets etc.), multiple layout options, and content modules. Make a good add for your real estate agency with the help of Cherry plugins, presenting your team, services, projects, testimonials. The theme is fully responsive and provides a clean SEO-optimized code so your site will be easy-to-find and handy in usage.

You may have noticed, that all these templates include the features necessary for the purpose. Real Estate plugin, for instance, is included to sell the objects conveniently. The implementations to make a reservation are available on hotel booking templates. You can also choose a suitable one to promote a construction company and show all its details. Please, also visit TemplateMonster official website to find more themes and get a professional support. Good luck in starting your project!

11 Best WordPress Themes for a News Website to Beat Top Competitors

Well, why do people really visit news websites? Sure thing, the primary reason behind each visit is content. News websites are supposed to tell us what’s new, right? If you’re thinking of launching a new media project, take care of it. Make your own mark with an of 11 best WordPress themes for a news website that can satisfy the goals of the digital news publishing businesses.

No doubts, we all love clan nice layouts that catch the eye from the first sight. The homepage of any news website is the first chance to attract and retain each visitor. Yet, a good news website is worthless if it doesn’t reach the audience. Plus, relevant information is useless if it’s not properly handled and is presented in the wrong way.

Indeed, content is of paramount importance for news websites and every news portal wants to represent it in the most useful and intuitive way. Moreover, a combination of photos, data visualizations, and video effects produces engaging and impactful stories, too. For that reason, it’s a sensible idea to rely on one of the most popular CMS platforms – WordPress.

Where to Find WordPress themes for a News Website?

Take advantage of the best news portal WordPress themes to present the high-priority content and ensure continuity and style consistency. Indeed, with multiple free CMS to choose from, WordPress is the easiest. It can give you a leg up especially if budget is tight. And if you have a real passion for your news project, you’ll succeed with any of these 11 best WordPress themes for a news website.

Did you ever think about building a news website, even when you completely lacked any coding experience? In fact, there are actually so many different things you can do with your WordPress theme. With the main purpose to broadcast information across a variety of mediums to different audiences, make sure your future news portal WordPress site will look sharp on any modern device and screen resolution. If your eyes are on the big goal, then get your hands on these 11 best WordPress themes for a news website.

Well, take your news website to the next level with a professional website design that establishes trust and loyalty. Take time to learn about useful features that come included in the WordPress themes for news website below. With this in mind, let’s enjoy the collection right away.

NEWSmaker – News Portal & Magazine WordPress Theme

A clean and sleek WordPress theme can be a great choice for a future news website. Crafted with care, it corresponds with the latest web design trends. As a special bonus, you get a bundle of 15 topical images, a set of over 500 Google web fonts, and a friendly 24/7 customer support. Besides, the theme is Ecwid ready, so you can add an online store to your site within minutes.

NEWSmaker - News & Magazine WordPress Theme WordPress Theme


Sportex – Sports News & Outdoors WordPress Theme

Powered by ReactJS, Sportexis offers an awesome set of cutting-edge jet instruments for your website. Enjoy flashing sort options to display your posts either by grid, list, masonry or timeline. Clear installation steps make Sportex very attractive for users with a skill gap. What’s more, the theme is SEO-friendly, Ecwid ready, responsive and multilingual.

Sport Page WordPress Theme


Digezine – News Portal & Magazine WordPress Theme

Here’s another clean and modern WordPress theme for a news website that fits well for promotion of your company on the web. Thanks to its thought-through layout and neat design, it looks awesome on various devices and screen sizes. Integrated social options will help spread the word about your news portal worldwide. Start a blog to provide your audience with a detailed information about your services.

Digezine - News Magazine


BlazingNews – Responsive News Magazine WordPress Theme

Enjoy this easy and intuitive WordPress theme crafted with care for a news website. With tons of useful settings, you can create an awesome presentation of your media portal with no headache at all. This mobile-friendly theme looks sharp on any device your users are on. Did we mention that it’s 100% GPLv.3 licensed, SEO-friendly and Ecwid ready? Fancy it?

Magazine WP Theme


Mr.Gizmo – Responsive Technology & Gadgets Blog WordPress Theme

Express your ingenuity with your modern website. Powered by the Grid CSS technology, Mr.Gizmo allows you to display your visual content in a more free way like never before. Build your online store in a matter of 5 minutes thanks to Ecwid integration jam-packed in the theme. Enrich your theme with advanced functionality to build a stronger online presence.

Mr. Gizmo - Technology & Gadgets Blog WordPress Theme


The Daily Post – Media & News Portal WordPress Theme

Take advantage of this 100% GPLv.3 licensed WordPress theme for a news website. It’s fully editable and well documented, so it’s a good choice if you’re just starting out in web design. With Newsletter subscription web form, your users will get all fresh news you provide. Besides, the theme is SEO-friendly, Ecwid ready and cross-browser compatible.

News WordPress Theme


ViralNews – Media News & Magazine WordPress Theme

If you’re at the beginning of your journey toward your news website, get your hands on ViralNews. Spread breaking news, showcase funny videos or eye-catching images professionally with your modern news website. After all, it’s 100% GPLv.3 licensed, Ecwid ready and multilingual. Take advantage of different web forms, background options, commenting system, and more.

Media News WordPress Theme


KingNews – Magazine News Portal GPL WordPress Template

Take a look at this premium WordPress theme designed to match your every desire when launching a news website. Don’t waste your valuable time and create an eye-catching news portal at minimal cost. Moreover, it combines multiple widgets, responsive layout, social options, different web forms, and more. Enjoy this 100% GPLv.3 licensed theme at an extremely affordable price.

KingNews GPL WordPress Template


BitNews – Blog Magazine & City News Portal WordPress Theme

Looking for a nice solution for your future news portal project? End your search here. BitNews includes a huge set of premium widgets allowing to build feature-rich and versatile layouts. Thanks to WP Live Customizer build your website easily and see how changes take effect in WYSIWYG mode. Don’t miss a chance to create an awesome online presence using 100% GPLv.3 licensed theme.

BitNews - Blog Magazine & News Portal WordPress Theme


Weekly Journal – Financial News & Magazine WordPress Theme

Weekly Journal is a good-looking WordPress theme that will serve you well. It’s a great solution for financial magazines, advisors, news portals, and other media related projects. A clean and well-balanced layout allows you to share loads of content on one page. Besides, thanks to its responsive design your visitors will enjoy its sleek and pixel-perfect picture across multiple gadgets.

Financial Advisor Magazine WordPress Theme


Globera – Science News Portal & Online Magazine WordPress Theme

Globera is another 100% GPLv.3 licensed WordPress theme to trust. Built with Bootstrap framework, it can help beginners and pros develop a website with no extra headache. Being SEO-friendly, Globera means to be easy to share and helps your website to rank higher on search engine pages. The theme is cross-browser compatible, WPML ready, and responsive.

Science Magazine WordPress Theme


Well, one should be inspired by this collection for sure. Save yourself the hard work of finding professional WordPress themes for a news website and make your pick right now. Use any of these 11 best templates to your benefit. Don’t shy away from launching a modern news website in a time-efficient manner. Enjoy it.

Meet 10 Best Business WordPress Themes To Create A Professional Presentation Of Your Services

What helps business owners to get their entrepreneurship to the whole another level? Well, that’s definitely a professional presentation of their biz and spreading a word about it. In fact, all and everyone is looking for this or that ways on how to promote his business. And, believe it or not, but the answer is right in front of you.

All you need to spice up your biz is a high-quality website that will increase your conversion rate and, as a result, your income. To say more, it is unnecessary to ask web developers to make you a site from a scratch. There are a lot of ready-made website templates at your disposal that allows you to create a pro presentation of your biz. Or if you’re after a UX or branding agency, then someone like Clay Global would be right for you.

In fact, there are a lot of website templates that will meet your expectations. However, we would recommend you WordPress as the most user-friendly content management system. WordPress themes are easy-to-use and pre-loaded with a wide range of top-class features. Thus, it will take you no effort to launch a great website even without any programming knowledge.

To say more, we have prepared for you a list of the best business WordPress themes that will help you to upgrade your biz and enrich the target audience. So, let’s check these best business themes closer!

Multipurpose Corporate WordPress Theme

Business Marketing WordPress Theme

Details | Demo

This multipurpose WordPress theme would be a great solution for every business owner. There are a lot of up-to-date tools that will help you to represent your corporate, agency, firm, or company from the best side. Moreover, the theme allows you to save more than $600 on the plugins that come with the theme. In fact, this corporate WordPress theme is a multipurpose solution for your business.

Business Services Responsive WordPress Theme

Interious - Business Services WordPress Theme

Details | Demo

Interious is a clean WordPress theme with a sleek design that will definitely capture the target audience. You are very welcome to take advantage of a huge variety of pre-made pages for all occasions. To say more, it will take you no effort to manage the pages and the theme itself thanks to an Elementor – modern page builder. All the process is intuitive and user-friendly.

Industrial Company Modern WordPress Theme

Fabricator - Industrial Company WordPress Theme

Details | Demo

Fabricator is a great solution to spice up your industrial company. Modern functionality together with a catchy design allows you to promote your business and increase your profit at a glance. In addition, here you have an easy-to-understand documentation, which will help you to explore the theme within a couple of minutes.

Home Services WordPress Theme

JohnnyGo - Multipurpose Home Services WordPress theme Handyman

Details | Demo

JohnnyGo is a marvelous WordPress theme with a wide range of options for the home services business. Here you have a lot of pre-made skins, thus, it will take you just a bit of time to set up the theme and make it live. Moreover, there is no need to have any programming or coding skills to handle this theme. Everything is easy-to-use and ready-to-go.

Welding Services Catchy WordPress Theme

Irozo - Welding Services WordPress Theme

Details | Demo

Irozo is a modern theme with a one-of-a-kind design that was designed just for your niche. Thanks to a rich choice of features and tools you can easily create a website with an advanced functionality. There are a WooCommerce package, tons of widgets, and a rich choice of plugins that will help you to impress your clients.

Road Construction WordPress Theme

Highwayz - Road Construction WordPress Theme

Details | Demo

The theme was developed by top industry leaders, so, you are very welcome to enjoy a sleek design and a high-functionality. In addition, you can showcase the top projects or the most valuable works in elegant gallery. To say more, you also have an opportunity to add more info about your services and company in general thanks to a wide range of pre-made pages.

Financial Services Responsive WordPress Theme

Mortgates - Financial Services WordPress Theme

Details | Demo

Mortages is a unique WordPress theme that was crafted just for your business. It will take you no effort to customize it up to your needs and spread a word about your new professional website. There is an SEO optimization, crossbrowser compatibility, and a valid semantic coding, so, the first place in search results are yours.

Farm Company WordPress Theme

Farmelio - Farm Responsive WordPress Theme

Details | Demo

Farmelio is an amazing theme with a great design to stand out with the farm company. The design is fully responsive, so, customers can check your website and ask for this or that services using any digital device. Meanwhile, you can easily highlight the services you provide and your projects in a professional manner.

Multipurpose Minimal WordPress Theme

Webion - Minimal Elementor Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Details | Demo

Looking through the business consulting WordPress themes? Take a closer look at this minimal theme that will help you to highlight your business at a glance. Thanks to a flat design it will take you no effort to emphasize the content and your company in general. Meanwhile, a wide range of modern tools will help you to enhance site’s functionality.

Financial Company Premium WordPress Theme

Grandviz - Financial Company Premium WordPress Theme

Details | Demo

If you need a premium solution for your financial company/agency, then check Grandviz – top-class WordPress theme. It has an eye-catchy design that will highlight your services and capture the audience. Moreover, there are also a wide range of pre-made pages, plugins, widgets, and other features that will help you to create a premium-class website.

Thus, there is an indisputable fact – pre-made solutions play a huge role in improving your business (whatever it is). Furthermore, as we can see from above, these business WordPress themes allow you to stand out with a professional website even without any coding skills. And at the same time, these themes have an advanced functionality and a rich choice of pre-loaded features.

Therefore, choose the best theme for your purposes and tell the whole world about your business. Good luck to you! And stay tuned for more!

20+ Elegant Flat Design Templates To Fit Any Type Of Business

Day by day people are looking for ready-made website templates to make their businesses more progressive. In fact, there are a lot of types of biz these days and every entrepreneur wants to make his site unique, eye-catchy, and, sure thing, to emphasize the content and the services.

It is not a secret when the design is overloaded with various colors, different shapes, and fonts, it’s getting tough for visitors to find the necessary info. At the same time, it shouldn’t be too minimalist because lack of color and shapes can cause a lack of customers.

Therefore, it is crucial to find a one-of-a-kind theme with a unique design that will emphasize your company, agency, whatever and will help you to capture the audience. That’s why we have prepared for you a list of the best and most elegant flat design templates for different types of business.

Here you can also find CMS & Blog templates that will help you to manage your site as easy as never before. But our main goal today is website templates with a stylish and flat design.

Flat design is a key to your success and take your business to the whole another level. It allows you to pay visitors attention to your projects, services, skills, content, etc. Thus, you will have a bigger amount of clients that are ready to make a target move. For example, flat WordPress themes have higher conversion rates!

Well, keeping in mind all the info from above, it is the right time to take a closer look at these 20+ elegant flat design templates!

Minimalist Portfolio WordPress Theme

Art - Minimal Portfolio & Photography WordPress Theme


The theme is a perfect choice to highlight your photography portfolio in a minimalist manner. It has a black & design, which will emphasize your services, the best projects, etc. Meanwhile, a wide range of features will help you to improve the website’s functionality.

Multipurpose Joomla Template

Jumerix Multipurpose Joomla Theme


Jumerix is a modern and fully responsive Joomla template that comes with a great flat design. By the way, thanks to a wide range of color schemes feel free to design the template the way you like. In addition, the template comes with a social integration, thus, clients can spread a word about your website and let the whole community know about your biz.

Financial Advisor WordPress Theme

Invenio - Classy Financial Advisor WordPress Theme


The theme is crossbrowser compatible and SEO optimized. In addition, there are a lot of other top-notch tools and features that will help you while launching a website. By the way, the theme is really easy to customize and there is no need to have any coding skills.

Interior Design Website Template

Fracture | Architecture and Interior Design Responsive Website Template


The template has a flat design that will help you to capture clients in the blink of an eye. You are very welcome to highlight the best projects and top-interior designs in a stylish portfolio.

Drone Startup WordPress Theme

Quadcraft - Drone Startup WordPress Theme


If you would like to start a business that is connected with drones, then this WordPress theme is your best choice. It has a built-in blog, stylish portfolio, and other cool features that allow you to create a marvelous website.

Fashion Boutique Magento Theme

Designer Boutique Magento Theme


F2 is a ready-to-use fashion boutique Magento theme that allows you to take advantage of all the modern features. Here you have lots of options to make your online store convert! To say more, the theme comes with a multicurrency support, so, you are very welcome to serve clients from various locations.

Cafe & Restaurant WordPress Theme

Viva Veggie - Cafe & Restaurant WordPress Theme


Checking WordPress restaurant themes to spice up your cafe or restaurant? Take a closer look at this fully responsive and mouthwatering WordPress theme that was crafted with care to upgrade your business. It has a clean design and a great number of top-class features to make your restaurant’s website capturing.

Business Joomla Template

Business Responsive Joomla Template


The template has an eye-catchy design with a flat basis, which allows you to capture the target audience in the twinkle of an eye. It is easy to use solution that allows you to take advantage of all the modern tools to make your website even better.

Photography Portfolio WordPress Theme

Oriana - Minimal Portfolio & Photography WordPress Theme


Oriana is a great theme to showcase your photography portfolio in the best possible light. It has a minimalist design, which will help you to emphasize your skills and services. Do not hesitate to check its demo to see all the features.

Bank Moto CMS Template

Bank Moto CMS HTML Template


The template comes with 20+ custom widgets, which will help you to improve the website’s functionality. To say more, the theme is really easy to use and has an intuitive installation process.

Life Coach Responsive Joomla Template

Life Coach Joomla Template


MindState is a clean Joomla template with a mobile-friendly design and a rich choice of modern features. To say more, here you have a wide range of additional pages that will help you to highlight your company in the best possible light and tell more about your services.

Quest Room Joomla Template

Quest Room Template


This template was developed just for your type of business, thus, it has a unique design and all the necessary features to sand out with your biz. Thanks to a gallery you can showcase rooms, top projects, whatever, in a professional manner. We would recommend you to check this template in a demo mode to check all the features and its options.

Drone Startup WordPress Theme

Quadcraft - Drone Startup WordPress Theme


If you would like to start a business that is connected with drones, then this WordPress theme is your best choice. It has a built-in blog, stylish portfolio, and other cool features that allow you to create a marvelous website.

Magetique – Multifunctional Magento 2 Theme

Magetique - AMP-Ready Multipurpose Magento 2 Theme


This premium Magento theme comes with 5 premium topic layouts, which allows you to start your online store by means of a few clicks. Moreover, there is a clean-coded nature and an easy customization process. It will help you to install and customize the theme up to your purposes without any effort.

Elementor Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Webion - Minimal Elementor Multipurpose WordPress Theme


Webion is an SEO-friendly WordPress theme that will help you to set the highest places in search results. Additionally, the theme has an easy and intuitive installation process, which will help you to save a whole bunch of time.

Computer Store Responsive Magento Theme

Computer Store


The theme has a marvelous design that will emphasize your services at a glance. To say more, here you have all the tools to create a top-notch computer online store. In addition, there is a great opportunity to save more than $1000 on the modules that are included into the theme’s price.

Architecture Agency WordPress Theme

Profitex - Bright Architecture Agency WordPress Theme


This bright WordPress theme was designed especially for architecture agencies, thus, you can create a one-of-a-kind website. Here you can easily highlight the best projects and works in a professional portfolio.

Garden Furniture Store Responsive Magento Theme

Garden Furniture Magento Template


If you would like to launch a garden furniture online store there is nothing better than Magento theme. This Magento 2 theme was created to take your business to the whole another level. Moreover, here you can always keep customers informed of new arrivals or great sales thanks to a newsletter popup.

Advertising Agency Responsive Joomla Template

Advertis - Advertising Agency Joomla Template


Advertis is a great Joomla template with a flat design and stylish shapes that will capture the target audience. Keep in mind that this template comes with a 24/7 lifetime support, so, your back is always covered in case of any questions or issues.

Electronic Store Magento 2 Theme

Electronic Shop Magento Theme


Thanks to this modern theme you can save up to $376 on the TM modules that are already included into the theme’s price. There are a lot of up-to-date features that allow you to build a wonderful and high-functional website with no effort.

Eco Homes Responsive WordPress Theme

Eco Homes WordPress Theme


Ecology-related business is really important these days. To say more, it is also pretty profitable. Thus, if you carry such business this WordPress theme is your cup of tea. It has a fully customizable nature and, at the same time, an easy to use power page builder that will help you to make any changes by means of a few clicks.

Bitcoin Joomla Template

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Website Template


Bitone is a marvelous Joomla template that will help you to upgrade your cryptocurrency-related business. There are a lot of useful and up-to-date features that allow you to build a professional website.

Business One Page WordPress Theme

Amenity - Business One Page WordPress Theme


Amenity is a great one page WordPress theme with a wide range of top-class functionality and a catchy design. To say more, its design is retina ready, so, clients will enjoy a sleek design of your site in a high resolution.

Architecture Agency WordPress Theme

Profitex - Bright Architecture Agency WordPress Theme


This bright WordPress theme was designed especially for architecture agencies, thus, you can create a one-of-a-kind website. Here you can easily highlight the best projects and works in a professional portfolio.

Photography Portfolio WordPress Theme

Oriana - Minimal Portfolio & Photography WordPress Theme


Oriana is a great theme to showcase your photography portfolio in the best possible light. It has a minimalist design, which will help you to emphasize your skills and services. Do not hesitate to check its demo to see all the features.

Multipurpose Website Template

Techtiq - Responsive Multipurpose Website Template


Techtiq is a great website template with a wide range of pre-made HTML pages for all occasions. Moreover, it has a flat and mobile-friendly design that will help you to enrich the target audience.

As we can see, these 20+ stylish templates with a flat design allow you to emphasize your content, skills, projects, etc. Thus, it is the best way to stand out with your business at a glance.

By the way, what template you like the most? Feel free to share your comments in the section below. Good luck to you and stay tuned for more!

Top 20 Artist Portfolio & Creative Agency WordPress Themes

If you’re somehow involved in photography or some other activities connected with, you should certainly think of their creative and captivating presentation on the Internet. It’s pretty obvious that you will have more chances to make your prodigiously talented personality stand out from the crowd if you introduce it by means of the website. Without a doubt, your web-project cannot look boring and dull. It should have an appealing and even spectacular look that will invite more and more new readers to your website every single day.

In order to provide you with this very opportunity to become popular in your particular field of artistic creativity, we made a wonderful list of top 20 WordPress themes for artists. Our team tried to include the best examples of WordPress Themes that complement various types of art styles. For example, you can take advantage of neutral or minimalist designs that will focus the attention of your visitors on your content. You can also take a look at vibrant templates that will make it possible to create something out-of-the-ordinary. And as a result, distinguish your online-project from a bunch of others.

Why Choose WordPress to Create a Portfolio or Creative Agency Website?

  1. WordPress is the most popular platform in the world. In such a way, it turns out that many web-developers are familiar with this CMS. It takes nothing to find a professional who works with it.
  2. You don’t need to pay any money to download, install, or upgrade WordPress. It’s an open-source platform which means that you always have room for development.
  3. WordPress is a flexible platform that allows customizing your future website as your soul wants.
  4. It’s made not only for professionals but also for novices. Everyone can work with a user-friendly interface and various settings.

In general, it’s time to get a marvelous template that will assist you in creating your future portfolio. Come and get your perfect variant right now…

Oriana – Excellent Portfolio WordPress Theme

Oriana - Minimal Portfolio & Photography WordPress Theme


First of all, Oriana is a minimalist template designed especially for creatives who want to introduce their talent in an elegant way. By means of such custom widgets as a banner, about, contact, and Facebook likebox, you will be ready to promote your services and get hundreds of new clients. In addition to this, you can take advantage of various color presets to make your online-project look fresh.

Art Deco – Bright Art Gallery WordPress Theme

Art Deco - Gallery Art Gallery WordPress Theme


Art Deco is a wonderful solution that will impress your potential readers with bright and rich colors. A huge collection of stylish pre-made pages will make it possible to describe your services and professionalism. In order to simplify a process of building pages and placing content, this template comes together with a user-friendly Elementor Builder and its multiple modules.

Conceptix – Modern Art Studio WordPress Theme

Conceptix - Art Studio WordPress Theme


A marvelous theme that comes alongside with a clean layout and amazing set of robust functions. A wide range of astonishing pages will allow you to present your creative activity and feedback on your professionalism. Furthermore, you will be able to brighten your website up with the help of stunning bonus images that are also included in the pack. Don’t forget about a feature-rich WordPress Live Customizer that will make it possible to work with fonts, colors, and other website elements.

Alinti – Remarkable Portfolio WordPress Theme

Alinti - Minimal Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme


Alinti is a modern template that includes a lot of stunning features to turn your website into an extremely popular one. A wonderful drag-and-drop builder will become your perfect assistant in working with content without any coding. In order to present your crucial information in an out-of-the-ordinary way, just take advantage of the excellent Revolution Slider and portfolio masonry.

National Museum – Stunning History & Art Gallery WordPress Theme

Museum - History & Art Gallery WordPress Theme


A powerful theme that will provide you with a wonderful chance to make a detailed online-presentation of your project. Together with user-friendly menus, it will take completely nothing for your visitors to navigate through your website. And also find the necessary information at a fast clip. By the way, you will get a marvelous contact form and thus, your readers will be able to ask you some questions.

Craft Bird – Marvelous Handmade Artist WordPress Theme

Handmade Artist Personal Blog WordPress Theme


A remarkable template that comes together with a sleek and eye-catching design. CraftBird will impress those who have something to do with handmade. A bunch of high-quality bonus images will make your website look extremely stylish and tender. You can make use of diverse custom widgets (like social media widgets or post carousel) to enrich the functional aspect of your website.

Hive – Outstanding Creative Agency WordPress Theme

Hive - Creative Agency WordPress Theme


If you’re an owner of the stunning creative architecture studio, you should definitely take advantage of Hive. This modern template includes four different project pages (horizontal gallery, masonry, shaped portfolios, and grid) designed to make your visitors agape with wonder. Moreover, you will get multiple sliders and portfolio layouts that will turn your content into an extremely eye-catching and captivating one.

Chela – Minimalist Creative Agency WordPress Theme

Chela - A Minimal Agency WordPress Theme


Chela is a stylish template that was created taking into consideration the latest web-design trends. By means of different portfolio layouts, you will be ready to showcase your works in the most nice-looking way ever. In addition to this, you will get such functions as an infinite scroll, contact form, and sticky header that will make your design even more modern and remarkable.

Creado – Vibrant Art Gallery WordPress Theme

Art Gallery WordPress Theme


Creado is a wondrous theme that comes alongside with the unlimited creative power. Besides, you will get seven amazing header layouts that will make your website look unique and fascinating. You can also create multi-columned menus (and show them in a drop-down form) by means of the stunning mega-menu plugin and thus, guide your visitors through your online-project.

Prestige – Amazing Digital Printing WordPress Theme

Digital Printing WordPress Theme


An adorable template that will transform your website into an incredible example of the creative website. You can build pages without touching a single line of code. It’s possible because this theme comes together with a powerful drag-and-drop builder. Your visitors will get the opportunity to get the necessary information in a flash thanks to a stunning live search. By the way, make use of multiple blog layouts to create a tailor-made look of your website.

Exhibita – Astonishing Art Museum WordPress Theme

Art Museum WordPress Theme


Exhibita is a powerful theme that will turn your website into a stunning exhibition of your works. It will take you completely nothing to build remarkable and good-looking galleries by means of the amazing TM Gallery. Such marvelous plugins as Cherry Testimonials and Team Members will assist you in introducing your team and its achievements and reviews of your loyal clients on its work.

Remi – Creative Photographer WordPress Theme

Photographer WP Theme


Remi is a minimalist template that will focus the attention of your readers on your brand new photography. By means of Cherry Project, you will be ready to create galleries for your innovative project within minutes. Take advantage of various layout options and animations, add your content, and filter it with the help of tags. In addition to this, you can create sidebars and add them to your layouts without any troubles.

PhotoPrint – Fascinating Print Shop WordPress Theme

print shop responsive WordPress theme


If you want to present your print shop by means of rich colors, then you should certainly grab this visually-attractive theme. A fully-functional drag-and-drop builder (that comes together with multiple modules and presets) will assist you in a customization process and make it extremely simple. It’s also possible to take the full control of your design thanks to various layout options and thus, start experimenting with a structure of your pages.

Artwork – Perfect Art Gallery WordPress Theme

Artwork WordPress Theme


An impressive template that looks like a real masterpiece. In order to let your focus people’s attention on your unmatched works, you can easily make use of different post types and add images, videos, and galleries to them. Furthermore, you can present pictures in a full-width mode and allow your visitors to see their smallest details. In addition to this, you will get an unlimited number of colors which will make it possible to play around with your design.

P.Click – Nifty Photography WordPress Theme

PClick Photography WordPress Theme


A stunning theme that includes all must-have options to assist you in building a tailor-made website. Together with this template, you will get multiple types of galleries that will make it possible to present your photos in the best possible light. By the way, you can also make use of such options like a marvelous contact form, drag-and-drop builder, Revolution Slider, and Google Fonts.

Mindelo – Wonderful Portfolio WordPress Theme

Mindelo - Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme


Mindelo is a professionally-looking template that will assure your visitors of the fact that your services can make their dreams come true. There is a fully-fledged WordPress Live Customizer. So you will get the opportunity to take the full control of your design and work with its fonts, colors, and so on and so forth. Moreover, there are such options as clients carousel, contact form, team members, and portfolio masonry. It will make your website look even more trustworthy and eye-catching.

Audrey – Attractive Art & Culture WordPress Theme

Audrey WordPress Theme


Audrey is a feminine theme that will be to the liking of those people who are looking for a tender and soft design. With the help of various color options, you won’t be left alone in brightening the appearance of your website up. Together with this elegant template, you will also get a robust contact form that will allow your readers to communicate with you.

VisualFX – Convincing Movie Production Studio WordPress Theme

Movie Production Studio WordPress Theme


If you want to make people believe that your movie production studio is one of the best. You should definitely take a look at this modern template. Above all, feature-rich drag-and-drop builder has a plenty of helpful presets and modules. So you will get a wonderful chance to build pages in a flash. In addition to this, you will be impressed with a huge pack of Cherry Plugins (Project, Team Members, Services List, and others). It will make your services look more credible in the eyes of your target audience.

Flashing – Impactful Photographer Portfolio WordPress Theme

Flashing - Photographer Portfolio WordPress Theme


Flashing is an ultimate solution for those who dream of getting a vibrant website that will provide them with a rich online-presentation. By means of various stylish additional pages, you will get the opportunity to describe different aspects of your services and their advantages. This template comes together with a stunning mega-menu. You can divide information and guide people through your online-project easily.

Laura – Attractive Art Blog WordPress Theme

Laura - A Feminine Blog WordPress Theme


Laura is a sophisticated theme that will catch the eye of your core audience. As you can see it has tender colors and handwritten typography. Also, you will get six eye-catching layouts, five blog styles, and six gallery types. All this won’t allow your visitors to stay indifferent. Furthermore, you can easily create impressive slideshows and put them on full-width or sidebar pages.

We hope that people will pay a lot of attention to your website if you make it by means of one of these powerful templates. They have such a stunning design and functionality that make them impossible to pass by for others. We wish you more brand new ideas and thanks for reading!

13 Best Premium & Free Cryptocurrency WordPress Themes

While digital currencies, alternative and virtual currencies are becoming more and more popular, financial services providers are thinking of the most efficient ways of advertising their services. Definitely, a well-built website with a modern design can deliver their message to the world. But the website should comply with the best web design standards. The second demand is placed on the functionality of the site, which should ensure safety, security, and convenience of use. So, today we are going to find out if WordPress themes meet these requirements and can be used for exchange operations.

Opportunities provided by WordPress

These days marketing segment financial companies are acquiring most investors and clients to provide a variety of financial, business, and support services on the web. Starting a website for providing such services has become extremely easy. Financial WordPress themes are ready-made solutions beneficial for any kind of businesses.

First of all, WordPress is the most advantageous platform to launch a website as it is extremely user-friendly, powerful and reliable. Ready-made themes built on this content management system can satisfy any business idea and effectively represent any financial services providers. Additionally, WP admin panel is user-friendly and allows adding any type of content to the site effortlessly. The overall process of administration does not require any coding knowledge and this is the reason why WP is so popular. After all, the themes are well-documented and the comprehensive step-by-step installation is guaranteed.

The other benefits of WP themes are:

  • Mobile-friendly paradigm. The Responsive design allows a website to look adequately on any screen of any device whether it is a phone or a desktop.
  • Immaculate design. The look of financial themes inspire seriousness and transparency and work for winning visitors’ trust.
  • Incredible functionality. The themes have a huge number of handy widgets that extend the functionality of the site to your demand. You can add a blog, social feedback, translate the site into any other language etc.
  • Flexible structure. You can adapt any theme to your business’ vision. Every template has an inherent functionality can be completely customized, to fit your needs. Besides, you can change the layouts, color scheme, add your own multimedia content.

Let’s have a look at top 13 Cryptocurrency WordPress themes crafted to provide the most efficient financial service online. All of them are Premium and can give your company the leading edge in this niche.

Bitunet – Bitcoin WordPress Template [Updated]

In order to ensure that your online-project has the right look and atmosphere, this theme includes Elementor Page Builder. It gives you unlimited opportunities thanks to its huge set of customization options. You can also discover a wide range of powerful JetPlugins:

  1. Jet Tabs
  2. Jet Tricks
  3. Jet Blocks
  4. Jet ThemeCore
  5. Jet WooBuilder
  6. Jet PopUp

This is not all options that you are going to get in order to break into the world of cryptocurrency. Let us talk more about thoroughly-made and modern features that you can work with:

  • a wonderful collection of pre-designed pages;
  • various tables, graphics, price trackers, and other elements;
  • different widgets to provide a website with some additional tricks;
  • exciting graphics;
  • WPML-ready functionality.


cCurrency Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme

This powerful responsive theme includes everything you need to enter the big financial world. Well-designed pages are developed to contain all necessary information like your team, services, and location, with a Google-map included. The theme is equipped with an eye-catching slider to represent your best deals and the best plugins in the market like CryptoCurrency Price Converters. The theme is open to any changes you like and is fast and easy to use.

cCurrency Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme


Cryplix – Bitcoin Blog WordPress Theme

This Bitcoin theme will be the best way for your visitors to stay up to date with all the important development progress. The ready-made content block and layouts with modern design will display all information on cryptocurrency exchange market. You can change the theme with advanced tools like Elementor page builder. The theme includes several styles of headers and footers, a set of stylish icons, and a number of premium plugins to choose from.

Cryplix - Bitcoin Blog WordPress Theme


CryptoHub – Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme

Make use of this creative responsive theme to launch a professional crypt-trading website. You can control the theme easily through the powerful admin panel and can easily be translated into any other language. Moreover, the theme boasts user-friendly navigation, built-in Bootstrap, which ensures its fast and faultless performance on any device. Free updates will ensure your website’s smooth and flawless operation.

CryptoHub - Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme


Rebyte Bitcoin Templates WordPress Theme

Crypto trader will appreciate this striking theme with a plenty of functions. The elegant pre-made pages for all occasion have a feel of professionalism and will add to the visual identity of your business. Additionally, free topic images go as a bonus and you can use them without any restrictions. The website owner will be able to change the layouts and create beautiful pages in an easy manner with a page-builder tool.

Rebyte Bitcoin Templates WordPress Theme


Bitcrypt – Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme

If you are into Bitcoin trading, this powerful WordPress Theme can maximize the potential of your services. This multipurpose theme includes more than a hundred of elements and 550+ options ready to extend the functionality of your website. Also, it adapts well to any screen size and resolution and has intuitive tools for customization. Above all, extensive documentation allows install and manage the theme without any problems.

Bitcrypt - Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme


TradeBit – Bitcoin-Trading WordPress Theme

Outrun your rivals in the cryptocurrency exchange market using the infinite possibilities of this SEO-optimized financial theme. With the help of our fully responsive layout, your website will perform smoothly and faultlessly on mobile devices. Gorgeous pre-designed pages will include all necessary information about services, news, projects and a team. In addition, your consultant business will be most effective with the Book Appointment Plugin included in the pack.

TradeBit - Bitcoin-Trading WordPress Theme


TopMiner – Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme

Use this solid elegant design to represent your Agency on digitizing money and attract more loyal clients. The complete documentation will make the installation and customization process easier. You can easily set up a blog, share all the statements from customers and display all your services in the specially developed information blocks. The theme is easy to configure, and it goes with full SEO optimization and Google fonts support, which makes it able to meet competition in the niche.

TopMiner - Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme


ChainBit – Bitcoin WordPress Theme

Boost your cryptocurrency business with the trustworthy site built on this template. Special Cherry pages will place all your projects and services in the spotlight, and free images will deliver the message in the simple but efficient visual manner. The theme has a pledge of amazing plugins and you are able to start a blog on bitcoin matters. The flexible layout, several footers, and headers let you change the feel and the look of the site to your demand.

ChainBit - Bitcoin WordPress Theme


MineBit – Bitcoin Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme

Promote Cryptocurrency Investments services with this professional modern theme with the focus on bitcoin issues. Due to its compatibility with all devices, browsers, and professional design, this theme will attract many clients. There are multiple components, including pop-ups, image galleries, and blog layouts. The theme goes with a great variety of website customization.

MineBit - Bitcoin Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme


BitRate – Bitcoin WordPress Theme

This responsive theme will make a convincing presence on the web and win the trust of your customers. You won’t need any coding skill to edit the existing design and intuitive tools will be of great use. Tons of astonishing web-elements will extend the website’s functionality, while stylish pages will display information in the most winning way. The theme will be really beneficial for your projects due to its Responsive design, SEO-friendliness and support of multiple languages.

BitRate - Bitcoin WordPress Theme


Businessup Free WordPress Theme

Of course, this business theme has the latest features to promote financial services on the web. The theme has Google Fonts, logo upload, slider, service, blog, shop page. Moreover, it is very easy to configure and customize and add the great uniqueness to the design. The theme has a great professional design and the navigation is user-friendly.

Businessup WordPress Theme


As you can see cryptocurrency market is expanding and there is a great demand for professional websites templates dealing with virtual currencies. Bitcoin templates getting better, more powerful and eye-catching to meet this demand. Besides, these themes are able to facilitate entering the global coin market and attract the most attention to your business. The only thing you need is to make the right choice and choose the theme suitable for the needs of your business.

20 Flagship & Best-selling Templates Leading the April Sale

We’re getting close to the middle of spring and that means it’s time to host another sale! From April 9th till April 11th, every single one of TemplateMonster’s website themes will be sold at a 35% discount. That’s right, no matter the type, each theme will have its price cut almost in half! Now if that’s not a good opportunity to stock up on themes, we don’t know what is. And if you’ve been considering purchasing that one theme that fits your website idea perfectly, now would be the time to get it.

What is TemplateMonster?

TM is one of the largest and most respected online retailers of website templates. But selling themes is only one of the few services they offer. On their website, you will also find all sorts of tutorials and courses for both beginners and seasoned developers. And if you’re already quite skilled at coding and are able of making your own templates, there’s the TemplateMonster marketplace, where you will be able to start selling your own products in a matter of a few clicks. All you need to do to become a vendor is upload an archive with your theme and you’re pretty much all set. So, if you or anyone you know are good coders, be sure not to miss this opportunity to earn some extra cash!

Why purchase premium templates?

Premium templates are quality products created by professionals. They are specifically designed to help you kickstart an online presence for your business and save you lots of time. They are basically an investment in the online success of your business. Surely, you could always just download a free theme and try it out, but those are never guaranteed to work properly and are more often than not riddled with bugs and technical imperfections. If you feel like you’re up to the challenge of building a completely new theme from scratch, you could do that as well (just be ready to spend huge chunks of your time working on it). All in all, by purchasing a premium template, you will get a right-out-of-the-box solution that will save you time and give you access to the 24/7 support hotlines in case you ever need any assistance.

The best of the best

Below you’ll find a list containing 20 of their best-selling themes ever. All of them will be on sale too, so take a look, pick whichever one you like the most and enjoy the awesome pricing.

Monstroid2 – Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Monstroid2 - Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Monstroid2 is basically the multipurpose template, combining hundreds of awesome elements and plugins into a single powerhouse of a theme. It comes with the Power Builder plugin which allows the user to create unique and versatile page layouts in a visual interface. The skin switching and demo data import processes are also extremely easy thanks to a user-friendly installation wizard.

Details |Demo

Multipurpose WordPress Theme

EasyJet - Multipurpose WordPress Theme

This fully responsive theme is an awesome easy to install and use solution for any kind of website. It comes with the Elementor live page builder, allowing for some deep but simple customization in a drag-and-drop manner. In addition, it also has the JetElements addon, providing you with lots of additional content blocks, animated text, boxes, sliders and image layouts.


Construction Company WordPress Theme

Building Company WordPress Theme

This theme is packed with everything you need to create a profitable construction company website and more. It comes with a GPL license, plenty of useful plugins, a wide range of header and footer styles as well as the Power Page Builder plugin ready to go live out of the box. It also features cool animated image banners and blurbs which will surely engage your visitors and make them curious to dig deeper into your site.


Powerful Multipurpose Website Template

Intense - Multipurpose Website Template

This is a fully-fledged responsive multi-purpose template that’s loaded with so many features that it can be used for any type of website. They include 20 Portfolio pages, 23 Blog pages, 11 Shop pages, 55 component pages, a rich variety of smart customization options, social media integration, a rich UI kit and more. Its trendy layout is also highly flexible and dynamic, so tweaking it will never feel like a chore.


Business Company Website Template

Business Website Template

This sleek and trendy template is suitable for any kind of business website. It has a pack of options that let you create versatile layouts by customizing pages, headers and footers with the help of a rich UI kit. A number of pre-designed blog, portfolio and eCommerce pages will also help you get started with your web project.


Multipurpose HTML Website Template

Brave Theme - Multipurpose HTML Website Template

This template is a great Bootstrap Multipage solution for building a profitable website for any kind of business. It comes with over one hundred pre-made HTML pages as well as the Novi Builder plugin for you to shape your website the way you want. It also features lots of unique navigation and footer styles, a powerful flexbox grid system, social feeds and many more awesome features.


Multipurpose Joomla Theme

Jumerix Multipurpose Joomla Theme

This theme will fit blogs, portfolios, business or corporate projects and even eCommerce sites of various niches. It includes a host of UI elements as well as a set of TM’s custom modules and extensions for you to personalize and spice up your resource. It is also fully responsive, Retina-ready and features live chat, a commenting system, built-in forum and even MegaMenu and Ajax-based search.


Multifunctional Joomla Template

Jedi - Multifunctional Joomla Template

This theme packs with as much functionality as a Joomla template can. That includes 40 pre-designed pages, multiple headers and footers, social integration, SEO optimization, Kunena Forum, Charts & Bars and much more. It even comes with awesome Parallax animations which will help you make your website’s browsing experience much more engaging.


PrestaShop Store Multipurpose Responsive Theme

PrestaShop Multipurpose Responsive Theme

This theme has a purpose to satisfy each and every single one of your eCommerce needs. It comes with four child themes for fashion, furniture, spare parts and electronics as well as TM Collections, TM Advanced Filter, TM LookBook, TM Mosaic Products, TM Mega Layout, TM 360 View, Tm 1-Click Order and more. It even features MegaMenu, allowing you to create different menus of varying complexity to help your visitors navigate your store easier.


Multipurpose PrestaShop Theme

imPresta - Multipurpose PrestaShop Theme

This template has everything a solid and professional online store needs to have – advanced architecture, outstanding functionality and pixel perfect design. It comes with 6 layouts for various purposes, TM Product Manager, TM MegaMenu, TM Search, TM Deal of the Day, 3 exclusive product layouts, TM Mega Layout, 8 color schemes, blog, RTL support and more. Its design is also ultra responsive and looks perfect on absolutely any screen size.


Art Gallery PrestaShop Theme

Online Art Gallery PrestaShop Theme

This theme’s catchy design was created for showcasing various artworks and outstanding projects. It comes with lots of premade pages and gallery options, each one of which is categorized in a drop-down menu and can be reached in a single click. It also features tons of TM modules which in total will save you as much as $700.


AMP-Ready Multipurpose Magento 2 Theme

Magetique - AMP-Ready Multipurpose Magento 2 Theme

This theme includes a whole myriad of marketing, design and administration tools to maximize its functionality. Some of those features are Smart Product Labels, Featured Products, Parallax & Background Video, 5 layouts, custom footer and header styles and much more. The theme has a special optimization for mobile devices since shoppers generally use their smartphones and other portables to shop nowadays.


Jewelry Magento Theme

Jewelrix Magento Theme

A powerful and fully responsive Magento 2 solution for all sorts of jewelry, beauty or fashion websites. Its clear layout structure will guide your visitor’s eyes to your store’s items. It also features MegaMenu, unique catalog and product pages, Ajax catalog filter, product badges and sliders for quick and seamless browsing.


Woostroid – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme

Woostroid - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme

Woostroid is the ultimate WooCommerce theme that is up to the task of builing up an online store of any complexity. It has a Power Builder along with more than 25 content modules and a flexible layout grid for some amazingly deep customization options. It is also fully responsive and optimized for a wide variety of screen resolution and features product comparison functionality, product wishlist, TM Timeline, MegaMenu, multiple blog layouts, Cherry Projects, Google Fonts, social networks integration, icon fonts, SEO optimization and much more.


Sport Supplements WooCommerce Theme

Sport Nutrition WooCommerce Theme

This responsive theme will become an ideal WooCommerce solution for your health products, sport supplements or equipment store. Its energetic color palette along with a choice of blog layouts and supplementary pages will also allow you to build a workout blog or a website for your gym, fitness club or even online training courses. It also features large sliders, animated category banners and various widgets like Instagram Feed.


Business, Dentistry, Architecture & Travel Moto CMS 3 Template

Skyline - Business, Dentistry, Architecture & Travel Moto CMS 3 Template

This truly multipurpose template is a ready-made solution for launching a web project with virtually any purpose. It comes with 20 originally designed pages as well as 4 homepages: Skyline Black, Dental, House Construction and Travel. Its powerful MotoCMS admin panel combines the block editor with more than 100 made-up content blocks and a large collection of widgets allow for customizing your website with no special skills.


Multipurpose OpenCart Template

StoreFlex Multipurpose OpenCart Template

This theme is an evolution in the OpenCart world with its outstanding functionality and versatility. It comes with an intuitive layout builder as well as over 20 modules which are all ready to go live right out-of-the-box. It also features MegaMenu, Ajax Search, product catalog, clients categories, gift certificates, smart product filtering, product badges, add to compare, wishlist, extensive color schemes, is RTL- ready and supports multiple languages and currencies.


Multipurpose Shopify Theme

Multifly - Multipurpose Shopify Theme

This theme is exactly what you need if you’re looking for high productivity, first-class functionality and stunning looks all in one. It is fully responsive, cross-browser compatible and provides you with a customizable homepage with 15 ready sections, an editable footer with 6 ready sections as well as 3 beautiful skins for fashion, fishing and tool stores. It is also pre-loaded with MegaMenu, Parallax animations, Instagram and a whole library of Google web fonts.


PowerPoint Presentation Template

2018 Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

This theme can fulfill all your corporate and business needs. It is fully customizable and comes with over 230 unique slides, 12 color options, data-driven charts and more. All the PPTX files come in the bundle.


Modern & Stylish Music Event PSD Template

Steve Cadey - Modern & Stylish Music Event PSD Template

This theme was created for music bands, DJs, producers, labels or event organizers who are looking to create a blog/portfolio for their band or team members. It features upcoming events functionality, featured artists, photo galleries, embedded video and audio as well as selling tickets. Its clean, pixel-perfect design with 11 PSD files and 2 homepage layouts is also easily customizable.


Wrapping up

Well, that concludes it for today. But stay tuned for more awesome themes and remember the sale dates: April 9th – April 11th!

15 Best WooCommerce Themes

Are you so in love with shopping that you have even come up with an idea to create your own online-store? We can say that it’s a completely wonderful idea. What is more, we can even help you with its implementation in life. For the reason that online-shopping turns out to be more and more popular these days, you may have a pretty big number of competitors. All of them want to get their fame and reputation. , You should build a visually-attractive and feature-rich website in order to stand out from the crowd of ordinary and identical online-shops. In general, you should build a website that will not give a chance for others to win this battle.

In this article, you will find 15 best-selling WooCommerce themes for multiple niches. By the way, you may be interested why WooCommerce became one of the most popular platforms for building online-store. Let us explain some reasons for it to be so widely-used!

Why Does WooCommerce Is So Popular These Days?

  1. First of all, WooCommerce impresses its users with a simplicity. Those people, who already have their websites powered with WordPress, can easily implement WooCommerce in their online-project.
  2. You can get a large set of robust plugins and themes for WooCommerce on the web. In such a way, your online-store will turn out to be unique and professionally-looking.
  3. It will take you almost nothing to use WooCommerce. It’s considered to be an extremely affordable platform for those people who only start their online-business.
  4. Together with WooCommerce, you will get positive results in a flash. Moreover, it will allow you to generate a revenue at a fast clip.

In our opinion, working with WooCommerce sounds like a very alluring variant. For this reason, we present these tailor-made and remarkable templates to your attention. Let’s take a look at them and select something to your own taste…

Woostroid – Vibrant WooCommerce Theme

Woostroid - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme


Woostroid is a bright template that will make your online-store more attractive, user-friendly, and exciting for your core audience. Its wide range of functions will make it possible to stand out from the crowd of your competitors and be on the top together with your services. A stunning WooCommerce package, a marvelous Cherry Search, wishlist and compare features, multiple Ajax filters, and other robust elements – all of them will definitely catch the eye of your customers.

MaxiGlass – Excellent WooCommerce Theme

MaxiGlass Eye Glasses WooCommerce Theme


MaxiGlass is a marvelous template that will present your eyeglasses online-store in the best possible light on the Internet. Together with multiple stylish pages, it will take you nothing to share information on your assortment and its high-quality in a modern way. Furthermore, with the help of the robust mega-menu plugin, you will be ready to divide your goods into different categories.

Naturio – Bright WooCommerce Theme

Naturio Food Store Template WooCommerce Theme


A stunning theme that comes together with a wonderful design (made in white and green hues), modern typography, and excellent content-positioning. With the help of compare & wishlist functionality, your visitors will be able to choose their perfect item within minutes. Moreover, they will be also ready to log in by means of their social networks thanks to a powerful WordPress Social Login.

Bambino – Lovely WooCommerce Theme

Bambino - Baby Store Responsive WooCommerce Theme


Bambino is an elegant template that will assist you in presenting different baby brands on the web at their best. A user-friendly WordPress Live Customizer will allow you to work with fonts and colors and thus, make your online-store represent your individuality and style. In order to let your customers find the needed goods very quickly, this theme also includes an incredible Ajax Filter.

Wonderland – Remarkable WooCommerce Theme

Toy Store WOOCommerce Theme


Get your customers a chance to feel like Alice in Wonderland together with this magic template! An attractive mix of colors (white, blue, and pink ones) will certainly make people think about their childhood and its happiness. Furthermore, a fully-loaded WooCommerce package, a stunning Cherry PopUps plugins, eye-catching additional pages, and incredible bonus images will make your website even more bright.

Cuddles – Incredible WooCommerce Theme

Cuddles - Pet Shop WooCommerce Theme


If you dream about a top-notch website that will promote your online pet-store on the Internet, you should certainly take a look at this tender template. With the help of the eye-catching product carousel widget, you will be ready to present your assortment and bring it to the notice of your visitors. In addition to this, you will get a huge pack of different plugins that will make your website more powerful and reliable.

Elitario – Unique WooCommerce Theme

Multipage Store WordPress Theme


An exceptional theme that will impress not only connoisseurs of liquors but also connoisseurs of stunning designs. By means of outstanding collection of additional pages, you will get the opportunity to tell all possible details about your assortment of liquors and their unmatched taste. By the way, you don’t need to look for topical images because you will get them together with this premium template.

Garden – Marvelous WooCommerce Theme

Garden Design Web Template


If you are an owner of the garden center, you should probably think about its promoting on the Internet. A powerful newsletter pop-up will allow you to catch the attention of your target audience within seconds. Moreover, a fully-functional mega-menu and live search will make it possible for people to not look through the whole website but find the needed items very quickly.

Yummy – Tasty WooCommerce Theme

Honey Store WooCommerce Theme


This delicious template will definitely assure your potential customers of the fact that your honey is one of the most fragrant and tasty in the world. With the help of the marvelous drag-and-drop builder, you will get a wonderful chance to build pages in a hassle-free way. In addition to this, you will get multiple Google Fonts and bonus images that will make your online-store look extremely fresh and eye-catching.

MaxShop – Exciting WooCommerce Theme

Max shop - WooCommerce Theme


A brand new theme that has all essential options to sell your products online and capture everyone’s attention without any troubles. A fully-fledged Revolution Slider will assist you in presenting your content in an out-of-the-ordinary way, while various custom widgets will definitely enrich your website. Besides, people will be ready to leave a feedback on your products or ask you some questions thanks to an amazing contact form.

Beardoff – Modern WooCommerce Theme

Skin Care Products WooCommerce Theme


Beardoff is a stylish template that will make it possible to present various shaving products in an elegant way. Different layout options will assist you in playing around with your design and making it more eye-catching, while multiple content modules will help you to add buttons, images, and contact forms to your website. Don’t forget to use perfect topical images to take a leadership among your competitors.

Pi – Elegant WooCommerce Theme

Pi - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme


Pi is a trend-perfect template that can be called a perfect variant for all possible niches that you can come up with. It comes equipped with various homepage layouts that will allow fashion, jewelry, and accessories to be represented in the best possible light. Moreover, with the help of the robust mega-menu, Quick View Product, and Product Filter, your customers will absolutely satisfied with their process of shopping.

Orize – Sparkling WooCommerce Theme

Accessories WooCommerce Theme


Orize is a modern and remarkable theme. It will assist you in presenting accessories on the web and make others trust in your professionalism and taste. A minimalist design (that can be easily altered by means of the feature-rich drag-and-drop builder) will certainly impress your customers. Furthermore, you will get an ultimate WooCommerce package that includes such options as a product carousel and categories widget. It also has advanced banner grid management and other functional tricks.

Ministore – Fashionable WooCommerce Theme

Ministore - Fashion WooCommerce Theme


Ministore is a nifty template that will impress your imagination with its unusual design and outstanding set of useful options. With the help of the marvelous Revolution Slider, you will get a vast number of eye-catching ways to showcase your content. In addition to this, you will get different plugins that will freshen your theme up with some additional functionality.

Amaryllis – Tender WooCommerce Theme

Amaryllis - Flower Shop WooCommerce Theme


Amaryllis is a soft and clean theme that has a wonderful design made in a mixture of pinkish colors and impressive handwritten typography. By means of the universal pack of Cherry Plugins (Testimonials, Team Members, Sidebars, Projects, and others), it will take you nothing to present different aspects of your business. By the way, there are such widgets as a post carousel, simple slider or social media widgets. They will impress your customers and make them admire your online-store.

Are you intrigued to build your future online-store (or freshen up your existing one) by means of these marvelous templates? Hopefully, something has already captured your attention. Believe us, other people will admire your online-shop, too. For this reason, don’t hang around and grab one of these stunning themes here and now. We wish you more and more satisfied customers and thanks for reading!